Mon, 19 June 2017
This week we answer another member's question, this time from Kyle from New Hampshire! "When at a social gathering, I want to make sure to interact with as many people as possible. A challenge is leaving a conversation that isn't going anywhere......What
Direct download: BNI_235_-_Show_Submission_-_Ending_a_Conversation.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:52am EDT |
Mon, 12 June 2017
In this week's podcast we discuss the three things you need to be teaching your fellow members: Who - How - What! |
Mon, 5 June 2017
This week we ask: Is there a missing piece to VCP? |
Wed, 31 May 2017
In this month's episode of Tim and Raef's Reads we discuss the book Guitar Zero by Gary Marcus.
Direct download: BNI_232_-_Tim_and_Raef_Reads_16_-_Guitar_Zero.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:48pm EDT |
Mon, 15 May 2017
In this podcast we give you a clear strategy to maximize your effectiveness in a different format of networking: Social Events. Do not worry we tie it back to your BNI Chapter and Meeting as well!
Direct download: BNI_231_-_A_Strategy_for_Social_Networking_Events.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EDT |
Mon, 1 May 2017
This week we answer another Show Submission and this time all the way from South Africa! Are average chapter sizes of a region limiting?
Direct download: BNI_230_-_Show_Submission_-_Are_Average_Chapter_Sizes_Limiting.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EDT |
Thu, 27 April 2017
In this month's episode of Tim and Raef's Reads we review the book Rework by Jason Fried & David Heinemeier Hanson. This was recommended by a member and is the first book both Tim and Raef read at the same time and they have very different views! |
Tue, 25 April 2017
This week we answer another Show Submission! We discuss member renewals and when/how do we not renew someone.
Direct download: BNI_228_-_Show_Submission_-_The_Renewal_Process.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:18pm EDT |
Mon, 17 April 2017
Should your chapter be selective about who it accepts as a member? Absolutely! However, the first step is making sure we have enough visitors and applicants to be selective from.
Direct download: BNI_227_-_Maximize_Your_Opportunity_to_be_Selective.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EDT |
Mon, 10 April 2017
This week we discuss the Top 5 Do's and Don'ts of a productive Featured Presentation!
Direct download: BNI_226_-_Top_5_Dos_and_Donts_of_a_Featured_Presentation.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:26pm EDT |
Mon, 27 March 2017
This week we answer another member question: What do we do when a member of another chapter refuses to pay for the services provided by you? We discuss this exact scenario and how to handle all types of member complaints.
Direct download: BNI_225-_Show_Submission_-_Member_Complaints.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EDT |
Mon, 20 March 2017
Ever wonder why an Elephant can be contained by a simple rope and a steak in the ground? Why wouldn't this powerful animal just rip this little stake out and walk away? This week we discuss the power of belief and ask: "What is keeping you contained?"
Direct download: BNI_224_-_The_Elephant_and_a_Rope_-_The_Power_of_Belief.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:23am EDT |
Thu, 16 March 2017
In this month's episode of Tim and Raef's Reads we discuss the book Contagious by Jonah Berger |
Mon, 13 March 2017
This week we answer a show idea submission from a member in Massachusetts: What are your guidelines for entering a referral? Is it right after you verbally recommend someone, or only after the actual contact has been made?
Direct download: BNI_222-__Show_Submission_-_Guidelines_for_Entering_a_Referral.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EDT |
Mon, 6 March 2017
This week we answer another Show Submission all the way from WESTERN AUSTRALIA! Does a small town mean we will always have a small chapter? We discuss getting over the mental blocks of growth and an exercise any chapter can do to see growth opportunities.
Direct download: BNI_221_-_Does_a_Small_Town_Equal_a_Small_Chapter.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EDT |
Fri, 24 February 2017
In this month's episode of Tim and Raef's Read we discuss the book Getting Things Done by David Allen
Direct download: BNI_220_-_Tim_and_Raef_-_Getting_Things_Done.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:32am EDT |
Sat, 18 February 2017
This week we discuss one of the most important topics when it comes to Word-of-Mouth marketing: your WHY! I also share my WHY and why I am so passionate about BNI. |
Wed, 15 February 2017
This week we answer another Member Question: Treating your chapter/BNI Membership like a Business vs. a Hobby!
Direct download: BNI_218_-_Show_Submission_-_Business_vs_Hobby.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:37am EDT |
Tue, 7 February 2017
This week we answer another BNI Member question: How do you sell accountability in your chapter?
Direct download: BNI_217_-_Show_Submission_-_Selling_Accountability.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:39am EDT |
Wed, 1 February 2017
This week we answer another member question! Why is there no spot on the PALMS report to track TYFCB from "BNI Alumni"? |
Mon, 23 January 2017
This week we discuss the story of R.U Darby and ask are you just three feet from gold? |
Fri, 20 January 2017
In this month's Tim and Reaf's Reads we discuss the book The Five Dysfunctions of a Team by Patrick Lencioni
Direct download: BNI_214_-_Tim_and_Raef_-_Five_Dysfunctions.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:02am EDT |
Mon, 16 January 2017
What should a member do if another member is asking for a commission/percentage for referred business? Is this against BNI Policy?
Direct download: BNI_213-_Show_Submission_-_Commissions_on_Referrals.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EDT |
Mon, 2 January 2017
Welcome to the New Year! We start 2017 with a talk about making it a success! |
Thu, 15 December 2016
In this month's episode of Tim and Raef's Reads we discuss the book Loving What Is by Byron Katie
Direct download: BNI_211_-_Tim_and_Raef_-_Loving_What_Is.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:57am EDT |
Mon, 5 December 2016
This week we discuss the process of setting effective goals for your BNI Membership. |
Thu, 1 December 2016
In this episode of Tim and Raef's Reads Tim and Raef look back at the first 10 books reviewed in 2016. |
Mon, 28 November 2016
This week we answer another member question: My business is so new there are no categories for it in BNI or the Chamber. How do I educate people effectively so they understand how to find me referrals?
Direct download: BNI_208_-_Show_Submission_-_Properly_Educating_Members.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EDT |
Mon, 21 November 2016
We have just witnessed one of the most divided elections in our history. One that has people feeling very passionate about their side. This week we discuss what this means for your networking efforts and BNI. |
Mon, 7 November 2016
This week we discuss the WHY behind BNI's update to our attendance policy. |
Mon, 31 October 2016
This week we answer another show submission from a member who asks:
Direct download: BNI_205_-_When_does_it_become_a_click.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EDT |
Fri, 28 October 2016
In this month's episode we talk about an amazing book referred to us by Justin Hall, The Greatest Salesman in the World by OG Mandino
Direct download: BNI_204_-_Tim__Raef_-_Greatest_Sales_Man_in_the_world.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:15am EDT |
Mon, 26 September 2016
What was your original intent when joining BNI? What is the focus, or intent, of your chapter? What is BNI's intent? Do all of these align? We discuss this important topic in this week's podcast |
Thu, 22 September 2016
In this month's episode of Tim and Raef's Reads we discuss The Lean Startup by Eric Ries
Direct download: BNI_202-_Tim_and_Raef_-_Lean_Start_Up.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EDT |
Mon, 19 September 2016
This week we answer another Member's Show Submission! This time it comes all the way from Kansas. The question: Are subs factored in the Power of One Report? |
Mon, 22 August 2016
A Show Submission! This one from Michael Georges in Colorado!
Direct download: BNI_200_-_How_to_use_podcast_with_ED_Moments.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EDT |
Mon, 11 July 2016
This week we discuss a process happening in many chapter and many regions right now: Leadership Team Selections! We will discuss the WHY behind the process, the misconceptions in the process, and why BNI is so involved in selecting each chapter's team. |
Mon, 27 June 2016
This week we answer a show submission! The question is: I am a landscaper, I don't have the funds to build a new crew mid season
Direct download: BNI_198-_Show_Submission_-_I_am_too_busy_for_more_referrals_how_should_I_use_BNI.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EDT |
Thu, 23 June 2016
In this episode of Tim and Raef's reads we discuss the PERFECT book for BNI, The Go Giver! The Go-Giver: A Little Story about a Powerful Business Idea is a book written by Bob Burg and John D. Mann. It is a story about the power of giving |
Mon, 13 June 2016
This week we interview Mike Dolpies, a member of the BNI Alliance for Business Growth chapter in Concord NH, about looking at your BNI Chapter as your BIGGEST client!
Direct download: BNI_196_-_Mike_Dolpies_Discusses_BNI_as_Biggest_Client.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:20pm EDT |
Mon, 30 May 2016
This week we discuss our region specific organizational chart and our operations model. THIS IS DIFFERENT THAN OTHER REGIONS. We discuss how we are setup and why we made some changes to our opertations a few years a go. |
Thu, 19 May 2016
In this month's episode of Tim and Raef's Reads we discuss the book EntreLeadership by Dave Ramsey!
Direct download: BNI_194_-_Tim_and_Raef_Read_-_Entre_Leadership.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:12pm EDT |
Mon, 16 May 2016
This week we discuss CEU's - Chapter Education Units. We discuss the importance of CEU's and why it is a part of the Power of One. |
Mon, 2 May 2016
In this podcast our Director of Market Development discusses what he did, that most thought was insane, that helped grow his business by 30% this past year. |
Thu, 21 April 2016
This week Tim and Raef discuss the book The E-Myth by Michael E Gerber! |
Fri, 15 April 2016
This week I discuss One to Ones and why most are not being EFFECTIVE enough when the do a One to One. At the end I also share a key tool everyone has but very people use that lead to me seeing 2 to 3 referrals a week from my One to Ones. |
Mon, 28 March 2016
This week Jodi Flynn, one of our Director Consultants in BNI Maine, discusses how we can often give the wrong perception about our level of customer service in BNI.
Direct download: BNI_189_-_Jodi_Flynn_Talks_About_Customer_Service_in_BNI.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EDT |
Mon, 21 March 2016
This week Janet Sisson, our Managing Director for BNI New Hampshire, discusses Love, Money, and Books! |
Thu, 17 March 2016
In this episode of Tim and Raef's Reads we discuss the book Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki
Direct download: BNI_187_-_Tim_and_Raef_-_Rich_Dad_Poor_Dad.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:07am EDT |
Mon, 14 March 2016
This week we are joined by Justin Hall, an Ambassador in New Hampshire, who shares a very important lesson from a story shared in the book Good to Great!
Direct download: BNI_186_-_Justin_Hall_Talks_About_the_Dangers_of_Optimists.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:08pm EDT |
Mon, 29 February 2016
This week we begin to break down the 5 Parts to the Power of One begining with the most important part ATTENDANCE! |
Thu, 18 February 2016
In this month's addition of Tim and Raef's Reads we discuss the book Think Like a Freak by Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner
Direct download: BNI_184_-_Tim__Raef_-_Think_Like_a_Freak.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EDT |
Tue, 16 February 2016
This week we answer a show submission which states that more than one chapter in a small town is only good for BNI. Is this true?
Direct download: BNI_183_-_Too_Many_Chapters_in_Small_Town.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:10am EDT |
Mon, 8 February 2016
This week we discuss inviting. Who should you invite? How do you invite? What should you say or not say? We answer these questions and also discuss WHY you should invite. |
Mon, 1 February 2016
We kick off the start of the NEW and MORE EXCITING Membership Extravaganza!
Direct download: BNI_181_-_2016_Membership_Extravaganza.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT |
Mon, 25 January 2016
This week we speak with Joanie Heighes, President of the BNI Hurricanes Chapter in Jacksonville FL, about her chapter's experience going through the Whole Chapter Mentoring Program!
Direct download: BNI_180-_Joanie_Heighes_Mentoring_Chapter.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT |
Thu, 21 January 2016
In this month's addition of Tim and Raef's Reads we discuss the book Necessary Endings by Dr. Henry Cloud
Direct download: BNI_179-_Tim_and_Raef_-_Necessary_Endings.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EDT |
Mon, 18 January 2016
Welcome to 2016! |
Thu, 10 December 2015
In this episode of Tim and Raef's Reads we discuss an amazing book Inside the Magic Kingdom by Tom Connellan. We will discuss the key lessons in the book all about Disney's success.
Direct download: BNI_177_-_Tim__Raef_2_-_Magic_Kingdom.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EDT |
Tue, 8 December 2015
The Holidays can be a busy and fun time of the year. It also provides one of the greatest opportunities for referrals that is often missed. This week we discuss why it may be vital to continue networking during the Holidays and how to take advantage of this amazing opportunity. |
Mon, 2 November 2015
No chapter can reach its true potential without every member achieving a score of 100 on the Power of One report. In a new segement we interview some of our members who have recently acheived that goal. This week we speak with Emily Maillet from the BNI Synergy Partners chapter in our New Hampshire Region. |
Fri, 30 October 2015
We are trying a new podcast topic as BONUS content for our members. Each month Tim and Raef will review a different business/success book one of us has read to review the key lessons from it. This week we review Success is a Choice by Rick Pitino |
Mon, 26 October 2015
This week we discuss a new way to use an old program. What would be the benefits of the entire chapter going through the Mentoring Program together? |
Tue, 20 October 2015
We are back! This week we discuss our general session topic at this year's Chapter Success Trainings. What is the number one focus of a successful chapter? What should your number one goal as a group be? We discuss this and more!
Direct download: BNI_172_-_Chapter_Success_Begins_with_Retention.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:15pm EDT |
Mon, 24 August 2015
No chapter can reach its true potential without every member achieving a score of 100 on the Power of One report. In a new segement we interview some of our members who have recently acheived that goal. This week we speak with Don LaPlume from the Upper Valley BNI chapter in our New Hampshire Region.
Direct download: BNI_171_-_Power_of_One_Score_100_with_Don_LaPlume.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EDT |
Mon, 17 August 2015
Brennan’s first encountered BNI at age 19 when his job was to hit play on the VHS tape of Dr. Misner during informational meetings. Today, he is the Executive Director of 44 BNI Chapters & 1,100 Members. Last years these members passed 38,000 referrals that resulted in $38 million in closed business. Brennan is twice an International Founders Circle Member and was recently appointed to BNI’s International Franchise Advisory Board. He is proud to be a 14 year BNI member, has given thousands of referrals, and has been thanked for over $2 million in closed business. |
Mon, 10 August 2015
No chapter can reach its true potential without every member achieving a score of 100 on the Power of One report. In a new segement we interview some of our members who have recently acheived that goal. This week we speak with Kyle Battis of the BNI Alliance for Business Growth in our New Hampshire Region.
Direct download: BNI_169_-_Power_of_One_Interview_with_Kyle_Battis.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EDT |
Mon, 3 August 2015
Meaghan Chitwood is the Executive Director for BNI Alabama. Meaghan discussed how connectiong, and networking, is a LEARNED skill. Learn more about Meaghan at |
Mon, 27 July 2015
No chapter can reach its true potential without every member achieving a score of 100 on the Power of One report. In a new segement we interview some of our members who have recently acheived that goal. This week we speak with Bobbi Govanus from the Relationships & Referrals BNI chapter in our Orlando Region
Direct download: BNI_167_-_Power_of_One_Interview_with_Bobbi_Govanus.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EDT |
Fri, 10 July 2015
No chapter can reach its true potential without every member achieving a score of 100 on the Power of One report. In a new segement we interview some of our members who have recently acheived that goal. This week we speak with Michael Hauptly-Pierce from the BNI Wolf Pack in our New Hampshire Region.
Direct download: BNI_166_-_Power_of_One_Score_100_With_MHP.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:29am EDT |
Mon, 29 June 2015
No chapter can reach its true potential without every member achieving a score of 100 on the Power of One report. In a new segement we interview some of our members who have recently acheived that goal. This week we speak with Hassan Boussi from the BNI Professional Alliance chapter in our Orlando FL Region.
Direct download: BNI_165_-_Power_of_One_Interview_-_Hassan_Boussi.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:39am EDT |
Mon, 22 June 2015
This week we have our first follow up podcast with Tani Dugger to see how the 15 Minute a Day program is working.
Direct download: BNI_164_-_15_Minute_a_Day_Follow_Up_with_Tani_Dugger_3.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EDT |
Mon, 15 June 2015
This week we have our first follow up podcast with Jamie Stein to see how the 15 Minute a Day program is working. This week we have our first follow up podcast with Jamie Stein to see how the 15 Minute a Day program is working. This week we have our first follow up podcast with Jamie Stein to see how the 15 Minute a Day program is working. - See more at:
This week we have our first follow up podcast with Jamie Stein to see how the 15 Minute a Day program is working. - See more at:
This week we have our first follow up podcast with Jamie Stein to see how the 15 Minute a Day program is working. - See more at:
Direct download: BNI_163_-_15_Minute_a_Day_Follow_Up_with_Jamie_Stein_3.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EDT |
Tue, 9 June 2015
This week we share the audio from an amazing YouTube video done by Gary Vaynerchuk WATCH HERE and discuss what it means to BNI and your Membership.
Direct download: BNI_162_-_1_Is_Better_Than_0_-_Gary_Vaynerchuk.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:44am EDT |
Mon, 11 May 2015
This week discuss why it is important to invest time working ON your BNI membership vs. just IN your membership. We discuss the difference between the two and why you may need to invest more time.
Direct download: BNI_161_-_Its_Not_Always_About_More_Activity.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EDT |
Tue, 28 April 2015
This week we have our first follow up podcast with Amy Allgaier to see how the 15 Minute a Day program is working.
Direct download: BNI_160_-_15_Minute_a_Day_Follow_Up_with_Amy_Allgaier.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:51pm EDT |
Wed, 22 April 2015
This week we have our first follow up podcast with Tani Dugger to see how the 15 Minute a Day program is working
Direct download: BNI_159_-_15_Minute_a_Day_Follow_Up_with_Tani_Dugger.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:03pm EDT |
Mon, 13 April 2015
This week we have our first follow up podcast with Jamie Stein to see how the 15 Minute a Day program is working.
Direct download: BNI_158_-_15_Minute_a_Day_Follow_Up_with_Jamie_Stein.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EDT |
Tue, 31 March 2015
This week we interviewed Dr. Shawn Shapiro about an amazing educational moment he conducted all around having the right inviting mindset. Dr. Shawn discussed how inviting can be easy and effective if you believe in what you are inviting someone to.
Direct download: BNI_157_-_Shawn_Shapiro_Inviting_Mindset.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EDT |
Wed, 25 March 2015
As we approach Membership Extravaganza, and chapters are really focused on growth, we discuss why just blindly accepting, or even poaching, other BNI members is probably not the answer anyone is looking for.
Direct download: BNI_156_-_Transfers_May_Not_Be_the_Answer.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:04am EDT |
Mon, 16 March 2015
Next month we are helping sponsor an attempt at breaking the World Record for the largest speed networking event in Jacksonville FL. This week we were joined by Brian Barquilla who is leading this event to discuss the event and tips to help you succeed at an event like this one. |
Wed, 11 March 2015
For many years, and in many previous episodes, I have discussed how spending just 15 minutes a day working ON my BNI membership changed the results I was seeing. Simply by scheduling dedicated time helped me become more effective. The problem is it isn't really that simple to do. So I offered to our Director Consultant team the opportunity for a couple of people to go through a coaching program with me if they were interested in installing this 15 minute a day program into their memebership and business. Two people immediately jumped in, and one of our Managing Directors asked if I would be willing to take a third person who was not on our team.
Direct download: BNI_154_-_15_Minutes_a_Day_Coaching_with_Jamie_Stein.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:01pm EDT |
Tue, 3 March 2015
For many years, and in many previous episodes, I have discussed how spending just 15 minutes a day working ON my BNI membership changed the results I was seeing. Simply by scheduling dedicated time helped me become more effective. The problem is it isn't really that simple to do. So I offered to our Director Consultant team the opportunity for a couple of people to go through a coaching program with me if they were interested in installing this 15 minute a day program into their memebership and business. Two people immediately jumped in, and one of our Managing Directors asked if I would be willing to take a third person who was not on our team.
Direct download: BNI_153_-_15_Minutes_a_Day_Coaching_with_Amy_Allgaier.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:43pm EDT |
Thu, 26 February 2015
For many years, and in many previous episodes, I have discussed how spending just 15 minutes a day working ON my BNI membership changed the results I was seeing. Simply by scheduling dedicated time helped me become more effective. The problem is it isn't really that simple to do. So I offered to our Director Consultant team the opportunity for a couple of people to go through a coaching program with me if they were interested in installing this 15 minute a day program into their memebership and business. Two people immediately jumped in, and one of our Managing Directors asked if I would be willing to take a third person who was not on our team. Thankfully I said yes, and in this episode we introduce you to Tani Dugger, a member in our BNI Western MA region.
Direct download: BNI_152_-_15_Minutes_A_Day_Coaching_with_Tani_Dugger.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:07pm EDT |
Thu, 19 February 2015
Most people look at a chapter's growth as their success, but I believe it represents something more. This week we talk about why you grow, or why you may not be growing, and how to utilize Membership Extravaganza |
Mon, 26 January 2015
As Executive Director of BNI – Louisiana & Mississippi, Tim leads 54 professional referral groups of more than 1,300 business leaders who share ideas, contacts and referrals to grow and advance their businesses. Last year members reported 39,000 referrals passed which generated over $32 million dollars in new business. A BNI HQ Trainer since 2005, Tim he has trained thousands of BNI Directors from all over the world. He serves on BNI’s Founders Circle, Franchise Advisory Board, and Franchise Development Committee. This week Tim shares some tips for moving up the Referral Confidence Curve with your fellow BNI Members! |
Tue, 20 January 2015
This week we have a special guest Janet Sisson, Managing Director for BNI New Hampshire. Janet poses a great question for all members and chapters: Are you acting like a group or a team? |
Tue, 13 January 2015
This week we discuss the amazing results we saw in 2014, AND what we could expect from 2015 if we all focus in on the Power of One. We will also discuss a strategy to achieving new levels of success from the book The One Thing. |
Thu, 11 December 2014
This week we were joined by Keith Mercier of Progressive Mechanical. Keith shares a true life story of the power of Givers Gain. Imagine two competitors passing millions of dollars in business to one another. It is happening and Keith tells us how! |
Tue, 2 December 2014
In this week's episode we heard from our guest Josey Johnson, a member of the BNI Profit Builders chapter in Jacksonville FL, who shared some tips on how to be successful networking during the upcoming Holidays!
Direct download: BNI_146_-_Josey_Johnson_Networking_During_the_Holidays.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:38pm EDT |
Tue, 25 November 2014
This week we talk with Kathy Allen of Greenlight Websites. Kathy has been a member of BNI for almost 15 years. In this podcast Kathy shares her experiences and how her chapter needed to change its culture to see the amazing results it does today. |
Thu, 13 November 2014
This week I was joined by Debbie Ulbrich, Owner of Krystal Ballroom Dance Studio in Salem NH, and Education Coordinator for the BNI Elite Chapter. We discussed a fantastic educational moment Debbie did in her chapter about Open Networking. |
Thu, 30 October 2014
As we quickly approach the end of 2014 many people tend to slow down in their networking efforts. This week we discuss why this can be a BIG mistake and why you need to start talking about the Holidays NOW! |
Tue, 14 October 2014
This week we had Raef Granger, a member in the BNI Seacoast Referral Connections chapter in Portsmouth NH, join the show. Raef asked a great question in our Suggest A Topic feature and was gracious enough to join to discuss it. The question is: What do you do when BNI starts really working for you and you get busy? |
Mon, 29 September 2014
“When people are financially invested, they want a return. When people are emotionally invested, they want to contribute.” -Simon Sinek This week we discuss what this quote means in BNI! |
Tue, 23 September 2014
When troops are united, the brave cannot andvance alone, nor can the cowardly retreat - Sun Tzu This week we discuss the importance of being a true TEAM for your success in BNI. We ask if your chapter really is a TEAM or a group of strangers, and we take advise from Sun Tzu and The Art of War |
Mon, 8 September 2014
This week we discuss why we offer the amount of training, specifically this time of year with Leadership Teams, and why these trainings are important. In our regions you have access to multiple types, and formats of training and we discuss why we are developing these for you our members. |
Mon, 1 September 2014
The one part of the Power of One that can make the most impact to you and your chapter's results is.....visitors. Visitors bring in money even when they don't join. This week we discuss how much of an impact having a steady flow of visitors to your chapter can have and why this is the best time of year to be inviting! |
Mon, 25 August 2014
This week discuss how the minor details that are sometimes overlooked could be dictating the results we are seeing from our BNI membership. |
Mon, 18 August 2014
Most of our day we tell potential customers and those we are networking with about how great our customer service really is. We feel the need to tell them that they can trust us with their customers and that we will take great care of them. In this week's episode Tim and Eric discuss why this is actually a waste of time in BNI.
Direct download: BNI_136_-_Cusomter_Service_Waste_of_Time.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:58am EDT |