BNI & The Power of One

In this week's episode Eric and Tim discuss the Yes/No bucket theory to sales and networking and how it effects your personal, and chapter results.

Direct download: BNI_127_The_yes_no_bucket.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:31pm EST

In this week's episode we discuss a couple of simple changes we are making to start changing the culture and mindset around your membership and your results.  Small changes can add up to big results!

Direct download: BNI_126_-_Power_of_One_Report.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:26am EST

In this week's episode Eric and Tim discuss one of the most important statistics to LONG TERM Success in your chapter.....First Year Member Retention!  We share some very humbling statistics and discuss why this is vital to everyone's success.

Direct download: BNI_125_First_Year_Retention.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EST