Thu, 11 December 2014
This week we were joined by Keith Mercier of Progressive Mechanical. Keith shares a true life story of the power of Givers Gain. Imagine two competitors passing millions of dollars in business to one another. It is happening and Keith tells us how! |
Tue, 2 December 2014
In this week's episode we heard from our guest Josey Johnson, a member of the BNI Profit Builders chapter in Jacksonville FL, who shared some tips on how to be successful networking during the upcoming Holidays!
Direct download: BNI_146_-_Josey_Johnson_Networking_During_the_Holidays.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:38pm EST |
Tue, 25 November 2014
This week we talk with Kathy Allen of Greenlight Websites. Kathy has been a member of BNI for almost 15 years. In this podcast Kathy shares her experiences and how her chapter needed to change its culture to see the amazing results it does today. |
Thu, 13 November 2014
This week I was joined by Debbie Ulbrich, Owner of Krystal Ballroom Dance Studio in Salem NH, and Education Coordinator for the BNI Elite Chapter. We discussed a fantastic educational moment Debbie did in her chapter about Open Networking. |
Thu, 30 October 2014
As we quickly approach the end of 2014 many people tend to slow down in their networking efforts. This week we discuss why this can be a BIG mistake and why you need to start talking about the Holidays NOW! |
Tue, 14 October 2014
This week we had Raef Granger, a member in the BNI Seacoast Referral Connections chapter in Portsmouth NH, join the show. Raef asked a great question in our Suggest A Topic feature and was gracious enough to join to discuss it. The question is: What do you do when BNI starts really working for you and you get busy? |
Mon, 29 September 2014
“When people are financially invested, they want a return. When people are emotionally invested, they want to contribute.” -Simon Sinek This week we discuss what this quote means in BNI! |
Tue, 23 September 2014
When troops are united, the brave cannot andvance alone, nor can the cowardly retreat - Sun Tzu This week we discuss the importance of being a true TEAM for your success in BNI. We ask if your chapter really is a TEAM or a group of strangers, and we take advise from Sun Tzu and The Art of War |
Mon, 8 September 2014
This week we discuss why we offer the amount of training, specifically this time of year with Leadership Teams, and why these trainings are important. In our regions you have access to multiple types, and formats of training and we discuss why we are developing these for you our members. |
Mon, 1 September 2014
The one part of the Power of One that can make the most impact to you and your chapter's results is.....visitors. Visitors bring in money even when they don't join. This week we discuss how much of an impact having a steady flow of visitors to your chapter can have and why this is the best time of year to be inviting! |
Mon, 25 August 2014
This week discuss how the minor details that are sometimes overlooked could be dictating the results we are seeing from our BNI membership. |
Mon, 18 August 2014
Most of our day we tell potential customers and those we are networking with about how great our customer service really is. We feel the need to tell them that they can trust us with their customers and that we will take great care of them. In this week's episode Tim and Eric discuss why this is actually a waste of time in BNI.
Direct download: BNI_136_-_Cusomter_Service_Waste_of_Time.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:58am EST |
Mon, 28 July 2014
No matter what type of networking you are doing if you want referrals from people you must develop two specific things with them. You need must have a relationship with them where they WANT TO and KNOW HOW TO. BNI is no different.
Direct download: BNI_135_-_Two_Things_You_Must_Develop_With_Your_Members.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:29pm EST |
Mon, 21 July 2014
While most people think of networking as just an activity they do it is vital that you realize that is really all about preparation! This week we discuss why this is the case and what you should be preparing for when it comes to BNI!
Direct download: BNI_134_-_Networking_95_percent_prep.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:30am EST |
Tue, 15 July 2014
We have come to that time of year where we select our NEW Leadership Teams for our chapters. In this podcast Tim and Eric discuss why we do this process every year and answer some of the myths and challenges with selecting our new teams!
Direct download: BNI_133_Leadership_Opportunity_or_Obligation.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:18am EST |
Mon, 7 July 2014
In this week's episode we answer the first topic submitted through our website! The question was: Essentially, when I look across the members of my BNI chapter I see the closest thing to a 'sales force' that I have at this point in my business. They are my sales team just as I am a member of their sales teams. Have there been any podcast trainings lately emphasizing best practices as they relate to 'training' other BNI members to be your sales force? Do you use collateral materials? What about emphasizing value proposition over benefits? Key qualifying questions? etc. I would think I cant really consider them 'trained' to represent me until some action steps have transpired. Can a best practice checklist be developed? I know this is pretty much the core of BNI but at the same time, the idea that we should be treating our BNI chapter mates as a 'sales force' can get lost in the noise and could be a good topic to reinforce on a pod cast. |
Mon, 30 June 2014
In this week's episode Eric and Tim discuss the upcoming Summbr Games in each of our regions. Listen to learn WHY we do the game and how it is changing this year! |
Mon, 23 June 2014
In this week's podcast Eric and Tim discuss the 5 topics covered in our Advanced Members Success Program and how each one ties into your BNI membership! |
Mon, 16 June 2014
In this week's episode Tim discusses the importance culture plays in the long term success of any organization, but also in any BNI chapter. Tim shares some key insights he learned from a Robert Richman and his book The Culture Blue Print. |
Mon, 2 June 2014
In this week's episode Eric and Tim discuss why it is so vital to stay focused on your networking activity during the summer months, despite all the destractions! It is your activity during these months that will create the results you see this fall. If you want consistant results throughout the year you need consistant activity.
Direct download: BNI_128_Summer_activity_equals_fall_results.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EST |
Tue, 27 May 2014
In this week's episode Eric and Tim discuss the Yes/No bucket theory to sales and networking and how it effects your personal, and chapter results. |
Mon, 19 May 2014
In this week's episode we discuss a couple of simple changes we are making to start changing the culture and mindset around your membership and your results. Small changes can add up to big results! |
Mon, 12 May 2014
In this week's episode Eric and Tim discuss one of the most important statistics to LONG TERM Success in your chapter.....First Year Member Retention! We share some very humbling statistics and discuss why this is vital to everyone's success. |
Mon, 28 April 2014
In this week's episode Eric and Tim discuss some of their big take aways from the 2014 BNI National Conference in Nashville TN! |
Mon, 21 April 2014
In this week’s episode Tim discusses the #1 skill we all need in order to achieve success in BNI. [...] |
Mon, 7 April 2014
In this week’s episode we discuss the importance of revisiting your goals both as a chapter and as an individual member. Are you on pace with the goals you set as a group? Are you receiving the referrals you wanted as a member? What are you going to do to get back on track? [...] |
Mon, 31 March 2014
In this week’s podcast Tim and Eric discuss 3 Tips for maximizing your Sales Manager Minute time during Membership Extravaganza! [...] |
Mon, 24 March 2014
In this week’s episode we quickly discuss the importance of using online networking tools such as Facebook in your chapter. We also discuss how to NOT use it! [...] |
Mon, 17 March 2014
In this week’s episode we discuss why narrowing your focus could be the very thing that leads to more SUCCESS! [...] |
Mon, 10 March 2014
In this week’s episode Eric discusses 5 common misconceptions about networking and word-of-mouth marketing. [...] |
Mon, 3 March 2014
In this week’s episode Eric and Tim discuss the 4 referral opportunities most members miss every week! [...] |
Fri, 21 February 2014
In this week’s episode we talk about 3 magical questions you can ask when networking, and doing 1-2-1 meetings that will dramatically change your results! [...] |
Mon, 17 February 2014
In this week’s podcast Eric and Tim discuss why your first year in BNI will most likely be your worst year in BNI. We discuss 3 things EVERY member should focus on each year to help increase your chapter’s member retention, especially your first year members. [...] |
Mon, 10 February 2014
In this week’s podcast Tim and Eric discuss the Top 5 Most Common Mistakes We Make In BNI! [...] |
Sun, 26 January 2014
In this week’s show Eric and Tim discuss the Power of One and the impact of every member just sponsoring ONE New Member in 2014! [...] |
Sun, 19 January 2014
In this week’s podcast Eric and Tim discuss why we even have CEU’s in BNI and all of the different training opportunities provided in our regions. [...] |
Mon, 13 January 2014
In this week’s podcast Eric and Tim go over 10 New Year Resolutions for all BNI Members. [...] |
Mon, 6 January 2014
In this week’s podcast we discuss how to start the New Year on the right track and get started on achieving your goals for 2014! [...] |